About Us


Holaa, I'm Aleida, I live in Aguadilla, I am a mother of two boys and together with my husband we have created a beautiful family. They are my reason for being. I have two college degrees, one in management and the other in accounting. I worked for several years in the private industry until my first child was born. I decided to become a full-time mother. Then I began to undertake in the area of ​​jewelry for 10 years. In 2019 I wanted a change and learned the art of creating with knots, better known as macrame. I was certified as an artisan by the PR Department of Development, that same year. I choose the name Nus by Ale, Nus which means Knot in Catalan and Ale because that is how they know me from my old business. I started in 2019 offering macrame workshops, we offered them in San Juan at the College of Engineers and at our premises in Aguadilla. Until with the pandemic we decided to close and I am currently working from home. Working with macrame for me is not a job, it cannot be a job that you enjoy doing. Thanks for reading me and for visiting us.

